Tyufeleva Roshcha Park / !MELK



!MELK:Tyufeleva Roshcha公园于2018年夏天正式对外开放,这是一个占地10公顷的公共公园,位于欧洲最大的私人开发项目之一“ZilArt”的中心地带。ZilArt是一个占地90公顷、旨在修复被Zil汽车工厂中断数十年的城市结构的多功能型社区。Tyufeleva Roshcha公园的作用则是为新开发的项目创建一个充满活力的开放空间和城市“绿肺”。这个被戏称为“21世纪的公园”的项目,吸引了国际社会的广泛关注。该公园拥有自己的与莫斯科的公共交通网络相融合的地铁交通枢纽。在不久的将来,Tyufeleva Roshcha公园周围还将会出现许多新的文化机构,如剧院和新的莫斯科埃尔米塔日博物馆(Moscow Hermitage Museum)等。

!MELK:Opened in Summer 2018, Tyufeleva Roshcha Park is a 10-hectare public park in the heart of one of the largest private development endeavors in Europe called “ZilArt,” a 90-hectare mixed used neighborhood designed to restitch an urban fabric that was interrupted by the Zil automotive factory for decades. The role of Tyufeleva Roshcha Park is to establish a vibrant open space amenity and “green lung” for the new development. Already nicknamed “the park of the 21st century,” the project is garnering much international attention. The park has its own Metro transportation hub that is integrated with Moscow’s public transport network, and soon Tyufeleva Roshcha Park will be flanked by many new cultural institutions, such as theaters and the new Moscow Hermitage Museum.




In its composition, the park is organized by a framework that deliberately connects to the adjacent urban fabric of the ZilArt Development. Integral to this framework is a gradient — which is immediately noticeable when looking at a plan map of the park. The purpose of the gradient is twofold: its directionality reinforces connections to the surrounding urban fabric, while a shifting balance of pavement-to-planted-area creates spaces that dramatically across the park.



它们叠加在一起,形成了一个完全独立的公园体验层,这是一个壮观的公园新构筑——一个1.6公里长的“装配线”元素 ,整合了大多数在传统公园项目中所包含的东西,如电话亭,亭,藤架,人行道,游乐设施,室外家具,照明,广播设备等。

Superimposed, and offering a completely separate layer of park experience, is a spectacular new archetype of park-architecture, the “Assembly Line,” a 1.6-km long element that consolidates most of what is traditionally included as typical park program, such as kiosks, pavilions, pergolas, walkways, play equipment, furnishings, lighting, speakers, etc.




Most remarkable is that visitors can alternate between the “Assembly Line” and the “base park,” each of which offers distinct, multi-dimensional experiences. The “Assembly Line” echos the vibrant industrial history of the Zil Automotive brand, which for decades stood as the heroic symbol of the Soviet era. Depending on how one interacts with “Assembly Line,” whether by using it as a journey at ground level, climbing up to its overlooks and elevated walkways, it is a carefully free-formed counterpoint to the mathematical composition of the overall park ground-plane.


▼桥上风光 Climbing up to the line


▼桥下风景 Ground journey


Tyufeleva Roshcha公园是一个完全民主的公园,适合所有年龄段、所有能力的人。除了“装配线”,该公园还有非常受欢迎的池塘、操场、运动场,以及强调季节性的种植策略。公园的元素和体验经过精心设计,可满足全年的使用需求,并能容纳大量活动,包括全天使用公园的活动。

Tyufeleva Roshcha Park is conceived as a fully democratic park, making it appropriate for all people, of all ages and abilities. Aside from the “Assembly Line” the park features a highly-popular pond, playgrounds, sports fields, and a planting strategy that highlights seasonal interest. The park elements and experiences have been tailored to be appealing for year-round use, and to accommodate a multitude of activities that may occur, and this includes park use throughout the day and night.


▼池塘 The Pond

▼广场 Square

▼儿童活动区 Playground



▼高架桥施工图 Drawings






地点:俄罗斯 莫斯科

Landscape Architect: !melk
Location: Moscow, Russia
Completed: Summer 2018


更多 Read more about: !melk


