海湾州立公园总体规划 / Sasaki
Sasaki: In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill devastated the Gulf Coast. In Alabama, beaches were closed, and the economic impacts were long-lasting. At 6,150 acres, Gulf State Park is the largest preserved open space on the Gulf of Mexico. The park serves as Alabama’s front porch on the Gulf, drawing visitors from the state and beyond. Its popularity as a tourist destination generates park revenue that supports the rest of the Alabama State Park system. Sasaki’s Master Plan builds on the park’s unique assets to transform it into an international model of environmental and economic sustainability.

创造经济韧性 Economic Resilience
阿拉巴马州的旅游业收益占美国国内生产总值约7%,创造经济韧性无疑是当地的首要任务。为加强外界对海湾州立公园的认识,公园范围里的三个新项目——度假村The Lodge、游客教育中心及学习园区,都将肩负重大使命。新建的The Lodge与附近人烟较稠密的旅游胜地保持距离,住客因此可在静谧的环境中欣赏无边际海景,度假村一侧与海滩直接相连,另一侧通往贯穿公园的43公里自然步道,提供多样化的出游体验。
In a state where tourism makes up about seven percent of the GDP, economic resilience has been a top priority for Alabama. Three new projects within the park—the Lodge, the Interpretive Center, and the Learning Campus-—aid in expanding access to the area. Set away from more crowded vacation destinations nearby, the Lodge offers serene views of the ocean, with immediate access to the beach on one side and 27 miles of trails through the park on the other.
▼从度假村往外看 View from the Lodge

As laid out in the master plan, 15 miles of new and enhanced trails weave through the park, connecting the Lodge to the Interpretive Center, the Learning Campus, and other park destinations and ecosystems. The Interpretive Center serves as an introduction to the park’s seven different ecosystems. In the north-west corner of the park lies the Learning Campus, located conveniently close to local schools. The Learning Campus consists of bunk rooms, a café, three full laboratories and classroom space with the intention that K-12 students will spend time in the park studying the habitats. The Sasaki team led the master planning effort to identify how these facilities could best compliment the existing park destinations while supporting park’s environmental health.

▼游客教育中心 The Interpretive Center

A new learning campus for the Park will provide a variety of educational and research programs. Additional lodging options will create flexibility for student groups, researchers, and park visitors, and a dining facility will serve all communities and park visitors. The learning campus will be located near the current park headquarters to encourage educational and programmatic connections with regional communities and schools. A new interpretive center will feature indoor and outdoor interactive exhibits, meeting space and educational environments. This “living building” will be overtly educational in its construction. Both of these projects are also underway.

复兴生态环境 Environmental Restoration
For the park, economic resilience and ecological restoration fell hand-in-hand—the success of one goal relied on the success of the other. One major recommendation of the plan was the reconfiguration of a large man-made dune created in defense of future damage of ocean storm surge. Despite using naturally occurring materials—sand, as opposed to concrete levies—the team showed how the engineered berm actually restricted the natural growth of sand dunes habitats that are crucial for a variety of plants and animals, including an endangered species of beach mouse. As a result, a large section of the berm was removed and dune grass was carefully planted in order to reinstate these natural processes.

▼修复护坡道 Berm restoration

Part of restoring the ecology for the park required closing a mile-long stretch of road and converting it to a pedestrian and bicycle trail. Closing the road meant not only allowing the natural landscape to reclaim an essential part of the state park, but also increasing safety for pedestrians and cyclists while emphasizing connectivity and accessible design throughout the park.

无障碍设计 Accessible Design
The project team’s focus on accessible design was to ensure everyone would be able to get out and enjoy the park’s natural beauty. The trails’ surfaces and grades are designed to be accessible to all, including individuals in wheelchairs.

此外,公园管理局也和莱克舒尔基金会(Lakeshore Foundation)以及美国残奥会国家队的训练场组成伙伴关系,以伯明翰为基地的莱克舒尔基金会专注为残疾人士提供更多机会,该会在自然步道的评估工作上给予了不少意见,例如对步道的横坡、铺装类型搭配比例和最大坡度等具体规格进行仔细度量,这些数据将标示每条步道开端的指示牌,以助访客清晰了解步道状况。
The park partnered with the Lakeshore Foundation, a Birmingham-based organization focused on increasing opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities and a training site for the US Paralympic teams. Lakeshore Foundation helped with a trails assessment that measured specific criteria about the trails, such as cross slopes, percentage of each surface type, and maximum grade. This data will be included on park signs at the beginning of each trail to help visitors better understand trail conditions.

▼场地中的各类标识牌 All kinds of signs in the site
New development defined by the Master Plan is concentrated within already disturbed areas, preserving core habitat in the park’s natural areas. At the same time, any future development will model green building practices that are friendly, and even beneficial, to the park’s environment. Taken together, these projects create an economically sustainable park, ensuring sufficient funding for landscape maintenance and restoration, as well as fiscal support for conservation across the State Park system.
▼项目区位 Project location

▼总体规划 Master plan

▼场地分析 Site Analysis

▼项目愿景及规划阐述 Vision and state
▼效果图 Visualization
现况: 总体规划设计于2016年完成
规模: 2940公顷
Project name: Gulf State Park Master Plan
Project location: Costal Alabama, USA
Client name: The University of Alabama
Size: 6,150 acres
Status: Masterplan completed in 2016
Services: Planning and Urban Design, Landscape Architecture
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