长沙巴溪洲公园 / SWA Group
SWA Group:长沙巴溪洲是湘江中的众多洲岛之一。原先场地遍布着白杨树和废弃的建筑结构。项目南北长约3500米,东西平均宽约300米,岸线长约7000米,总面积91公顷。几个世纪以来,湘江蜿蜒穿过中国华南地区,塑造了沙洲地形和岛屿生态系统。在最近几十年中,出于防洪考虑,过去大量的洲岛项目都以堤围环绕岛屿,使人们失去了亲水的体验,同时也阻断了岛屿与河流的生态联系。这些地形地貌与混凝土墙联接排列以控制季节性洪水。由于岛屿的自然边缘被混凝土消磨,河流和沙洲受到了不同程度的负面影响,其中包括生物多样性的减少。当地政府规划一处总长约2英里(约3.22km)的侵蚀沙洲——巴溪洲作为长沙市的新中央公园。
SWA Group:Baxi River Forest Island, one of the numerous islands in Xiang River is located in Chasha City, China. Plentiful white poplar trees and abandoned architectural structures were once there on the site. The project is across 3500m from north to south in length and 300m from east to west in width, equal to 91 hectare in area. The complete coastline is as long as 7000m. For centuries the Xiang River is meandering through the landscapes in Southern China sculpturing landforms as sand bars and islands. In recent decades these formations were turned over by concrete walls as a means of controlling seasonal flooding. Consequently people were deprived of access to water, as ecological connections broke between the river and the islands. Caused by elimination of natural edges along islands, the river and its sandbars saw negative environmental impacts of different levels, including decrease in biodiversity. In view of this local government identified a two-mile-long eroded sandbar to establish a new park for the city Changsha.

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The goal of design by SWA Group is to restore and reform island ecology while presenting seasonal natural beauty of the river to citizens. Being amenable to ecological design disciplines and exploring content of culture are thoroughly exemplified through the project. The project represents the process of how the river influences island vegetation through designing its topology. Plenty of local native water-resistant plants are used to establish riverine ecological habitat and prevent future possible disasters. Meanwhile a series of locally-characteristic strolling paths, gardens and plazas is spread over the site, rendering the park natural but also recreational for serving the city Changsha.

The River Forest Island respects flooding regimes. The nature of landform designed directs water to flow through or over the island. The project also re-establishes 20,000 native trees, creates wetland terraces, and integrates an extensive trail system and program. The combination of those mentioned strategies leads to a successful park. The island celebrates river seasonal changes and provides a tranquil escape from the city and accessibility to recreational opportunities, while fulfilling education and research needs.

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Where the east side of the island exists river flows of high velocity which parallel to the river edge, a submerged engineered embankment guarantees security of wetland terraces. Deeper rooting wetland plants serve as a green screen along the east bank where erosive force is the greatest. This linear network of grasses helps slowing down water velocity during high water periods and protecting the stream bank of the east side of the island. The vegetative bank also functions as habitats for birds and wildlife. The west edge is influenced by lower river velocity and higher degree of sedimentation. The design preserves its natural edges and extends the area of existing wetlands. The impact from seasonal flooding is further utilized to create terraces of varied elevation and meandering topology with slope.

项目的概念设计是创建一个生态的网络。以蜿蜒曲折的步道连接一个又一个的景观平台,其设计目的是为了提高场地的防洪能力。梯田式的边缘创造出了多层次的环岛湿地系统,同时又为生态复苏提供了场地和机遇。位于场地南侧湿地的海拔要比岛上其他的方的略低一些。当高水位期来临之时,场地水位的提高形成的自然湿地结合不同种类的挺水植物营所营造出的丰富且变化的湿地景观。另一方面,岛上私人的别墅和网球场的设施坐落于相对高处的位置。他们的设计可做到可持续发展的需求,同时结合场地景观,隐与花丛树林之间。 根据现存的沙洲地形和6m水位波动高差,进行分级设计,保证土方平衡,使河流在汛期的承载能力不变。整体上还原并适当强化湘江冲积沙洲的自然形态,游道起伏有致。角度与地形都经过精心设计的洲岸允许流水自由贯穿及部分淹没,其上种植水杉、柳树、观赏草等乡土植物。高处台地规划建设公共设施、休息亭和博物馆等构筑物。
The design concept is to compose a ecological network. Weaved and strolling paths connect one and another landscape platform in order to enhance the capacity of flooding control. Terraced edges not only creates multi-layered wetland systems but also provides place and opportunities for ecological restoration. The altitude of south-side is relatively lower than the rest of the island. When water elevation goes high, the wetlands and different types of emerged vegetation are formed creating rich and diversified wetland landscapes. Variously, private villas and a tennis course are located higher. The design of them meets sustainable design demands and integrates environmental landscapes to hide themselves. Based upon existing island topography and six meters annual river level fluctuations, the grading design balances cut and fill, leaving the river’s carrying capacity unchanged at flood season. The overall gesture reclaims and slightly enhances the natural forms when the Xiang river slapping the islands generating an organized water flow.
Directional berms sculpted to allow rising waters to flow through and over it are planted with native trees such as Metasequoia, willows and native grasses. Higher terraces are created for building facilities, pavilions, and museum.

The project plants plentiful Hunan-native-born vegetation, which requires low maintenance yet represents endemic and innate site environment. The planting design takes multi-faceted consideration such as water fluctuation, soil and weather, ecological biodiversity and landscape aesthetics.The wetland area is consisted of multiple wetland grass communities intermingled with clusters of low shrub and marsh zones, and transitions to a seasonal forest at the upper elevation. The central island contains a blend of smaller wetland islands and peninsulas which support various emergent wetland plant communities combined with clusters of low shrub and marsh zones, which transition to a seasonal forest at the upper elevations—all linked by a meandering boardwalk network. The east and west sides of the island are stepped to create wetlands planted with various species, and act as a protection buffer against river currents. Boulders are placed along the inner channel edges in wetlands, stabilizing the channel bank and providing important habitat for wildlife. The dynamic variability and landforms of the wetland, riparian lowland and highland design increase the resilience of the ecosystems of the island. Native riparian trees form the backbone of the lowland forest, such as Metasequoia and Salix species, the tree common to the rivers and canals of China. Native bamboo, camphor, gingko and cherry occupy higher elevations.

Blending natural systems, local culture, and art, River Forest Island is a model for designing riverfront public space. It provides tranquil escape from the city and accommodates recreational, educational, and research needs. The meandering landform frames a system of trails and gardens. A clear hierarchy of trails and boardwalks – 3.4 mile of which are made of locally- condensed bamboo material, 4.3 miles bicycle trail, and 4.7 miles intimate forest trail- are guiding visitors along a meandering journey of discovery. The meandering landform and trails connect a series of gardens, plazas, museums, plus recreational and educational centers.

Landscape architects play a critical role as designer and multi-disciplinary team leader. Working with local Changsha government, the designers at SWA Group firstly envisioned an island park respecting local ecology and adapting to changes of water elevation of medium level. Various terracing and berming strategies were accordingly tested by the designers at SWA Group and Hunan Architectural Design institute. At River Forest Island, regime and science of nature are blended into an artful experience, creating a new river oasis in the heart of the city.
项目设计 & 完成年份:2013-2014
设计公司:SWA Group
设计主创:郑潇, Sean O’Malley
Green Earth Operations Team: Mark Merkelbach, Nian She, and Bob Li
摄影:David LLoyd,Tom Fox,Xiang Luo,Cheng Luo
Project name: Baxi River Forest Island
Client: changsha pioneer land development and construction co., LTD
Project address: Changsha Baxi Island, China
Project design & completion year: 2013-2014
Design area: 91 ha
Design company: SWA Group
Design creators: Zheng Xiao, Sean O’Malley
Architects: Hunan architectural design institute co., LTD
Green Earth Operations Team: Mark Merkelbach, Nian She, and Bob Li
Photography: David LLoyd, Tom Fox, Xiang Luo, Cheng Luo
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