Camp Adventure项目落成 / EFFEKT
EFFEKT:Camp Adventure项目坐落于历史悠久的Gisselfeld Klosters森林:这里有丘陵、溪流、湖泊、湿地、草地等多样天然景致。EFFEKT基于当地特色进行深入调研,最终设计了一条900米长的螺旋步道与一座45米高的观景塔相连,伴随螺旋步道的徐徐向上延伸,营造出一种漫步森林之上的独特体验,让人们从另一个角度体验森林的壮丽景色。塔楼和步道是一个无缝的螺旋坡道,无障碍设计帮助各种身体状况的人们进入森林,体验森林漫步。丹麦首相对该项目表示极大的钦佩,并表示该项目在加强该地区旅游业方面具有巨大潜力。
EFFEKT: Set in the historic Gisselfeld Klosters Forest – a glacial woodland characterized by rolling hills, ephemeral streams, lakes, wetlands and meadows – on its own a changeable landscape experience that is influenced by the rich bird life and the seasons changes – the experience features a 900 meter elevated boardwalk zig zagging in and out between the trees, culminating in a 45-metre tower with a 650 meter long inner spiraling ramp, which offers breath-taking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and nature.
▼螺旋坡道带来漫步森林的独特体验 Camp Adventure creates a unique experience to take a walk above the treetops.

▼冬季的螺旋步道 Camp Adventure in winter.

Camp Adventure业务开发人员KasperLarsen表示:“对于Camp Adventure来说,这是美好的一天。从最初的想法到落地实现,这是一个漫长且具挑战的过程。但我们很自豪地说,目前为止,结果已经超出了我们的预期。我们很高兴能够打造出这种真正独特的体验,我们期待与未来的游客共同分享这种体验。”
Business Developer at Camp Adventure, Kasper Larsen, states: “It is a great day for Camp Adventure. It has been a long challenging process from the original inception of the idea, to where we are today. But we are proud to say the result has by far overcome our expectations. We are thrilled to offer this truly unique experience on our grounds and we look forward to sharing this experience with our future visitors.”
▼徐徐向上延伸的螺旋步道让人们从另一个角度体验森林的壮丽景色 The observation tower creates a unique opportunity to experience the stunning nature of the preserved forest from another perspective.

The idea behind the elevated boardwalk leading to the tower is to make the forest accessible to everyone without disrupting the natural environment – at habitat to a wide variety of species living in harmony with nature. To achieve this, the tower was constructed from weathered steel and locally sourced oak, to blend in subtly with the surrounding natural context.
▼高塔式观景台设计分析 The idea analysis of the elevated boardwalk leading to the tower.

▼观景塔采用风化钢材料和本地橡木建造而成,使建筑巧妙融入周围的自然环境 The tower was constructed from weathered steel and locally sourced oak, to blend in subtly with the surrounding natural context.

▼高塔式的设计理念在保证不破坏本地自然环境的同时,引导所有人进入森林 The idea behind the elevated boardwalk leading to the tower is to make the forest accessible to everyone without disrupting the natural environment.
“大自然为我们提供了最真实的体验。我们要做的不是改变大自然,只是让它更容易被获得,并为游客提供了一系列新的、另类的视角。” EFFEKT 建筑事务所合作人Tue Foged表示。“这座塔的形状可以增强游客体验,它避开了传统的圆柱形状,而采用弯曲的轮廓:腰部细长、底座和塔顶宽阔的设计可以更好地帮助游客体验森林之巅。”
“Nature provides the real experience. We just made it more accessible and offered a series of new and alternate perspectives.” says Tue Foged Partner at EFFEKT Architects. “The tower is shaped to enhance the experience of the visitor, shunning the typical cylindrical shape in favor of a curved profile with a slender waist and enlarged base and crown. This allows for better contact to the forest canopy moving up through the tower.” Foged continues.

The spiraling ramp to the observation deck also benefit from the hyperbolic shape. While keeping a fixed gradient, the geometry and spacing of the ramp fluctuates according to the changing curvature. The ramp becomes a sculptural element that makes the journey to the top a unique experience of shifting intimacy while offering step-free access to all visitors.

▼螺旋坡道成为了雕塑性的元素,为所有游客提供无障碍通道 The ramp becomes a sculptural element that makes the journey to the top a unique experience of shifting intimacy while offering step-free access to all visitors.
Camp Adventure观景台的顶层平台位于海拔140米处,是整个丹麦西兰岛的最高点。天气晴朗时可以眺望到北边的哥本哈根和邻国瑞典的马尔默,以及西兰岛南部崎岖不平的地域景观。
Camp Adventure’s Tower will offer a unique nature experience, not found anywhere else in Scandinavia. The tower’s top platform is 140 meters above sea level and the highest accessible point in the whole of Zealand. In clear weather there is an unobstructed view 50 km to Copenhagen and Malmo in the north and the rugged Southern Zealand manor landscape to the south and east.
▼观景台的顶层平台位于海拔140米处,是整个丹麦西兰岛的最高点 Camp Adventure’s Tower will offer a unique nature experience, not found anywhere else in Scandinavia.

▼森林步道设计分析 The wooden trail analysis

▼穿越大片森林的林间步道 The wooden trail crossed a large forest.

3月30日,EFFEKT建筑事务所设计的备受瞩目的Camp Adventure项目举行落成典礼。丹麦首相Lars Løkke Rasmussen亲自为该项目剪彩。当地时间下午2点剪彩仪式后,Lars Løkke Rasmussen先生带领该合作伙伴及宾客一路前往45米高的观景台,共同欣赏丹麦Gisselfeld Klosters森林景色。 3月31日,Camp Adventure正式对公众开放,第一天就迎来了2500名游客。
The much-anticipated observation tower at Camp Adventure was officially inaugurated on March 30th. Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen led the ribbon cutting ceremony and made his way up the tower to the observation platform overcoming his announced vertigo. He expressed great admiration for the project which holds great potential in strengthening tourism to the area and putting South Zealand on the map. The Forest tower and boardwalk opened to the public on March 31st 2019 and received more than 2.500 visitors on the first day of business.
▼项目落成典礼,丹麦首相带领该合作伙伴及宾客一路前往45米高的观景台,共同欣赏丹麦Gisselfeld Klosters森林景色 Camp Adventure was officially inaugurated, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen led the ribbon cutting ceremony and made his way up the tower to the observation platform overcoming his announced vertigo.
该项目在竣工之前就已备受瞩目,先后斩获各种奖项,包括德国设计委员会大奖(Winner of Best of Best in the Concept category),2017年ICONIC大奖(Winner of the Visionary Architecture category)和2018年丹麦南海岸最佳旅游项目奖等。
Prior to its completion the Forest Tower won a host of awards including the German Design Council Award (winner of Best of Best in the Concept category), the 2017 ICONIC Award (Winner of the Visionary Architecture category) and South Coast Denmark’s Best Tourism Initiative in 2018.
▼设计效果图 Renders

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

▼项目建设过程 Construction Process
了解更多Camp Adventure项目设计信息请点击- 漫步丹麦森林之上的独特体验 Camp Adventure Park / EFFEKT
For more information to learn project Camp Adventure please click- Camp Adventure Park by EFFEKT
客户:Camp Adventure
承包商:Levi Jensen A/S
Client: Camp Adventure
Architect: EFFEKT
Structural Engineer: ARUP
Contractor: Levi Jensen A/S
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