丹麦Kokkedal气候适应型公共空间 / Schønherr
Schønherr:本案所面临的挑战在于开发场地对气候的适应力,同时还要能帮助改善城市生活:将支离破碎的城市地区连接起来,创造新的、吸引人的交汇点,从整体上拉近自然与居民之间的距离。占地60公顷的Kokkedal气候适应地(Climate Adaption Kokkedal)位于西兰岛北部,该区有两个大型保障性住房协会。由于其毗邻Usserød河,在2011年左右遭受过严重的洪水灾害。
Schønherr: The challenge of the project was to develop a climate adaption which also could promote an improved urban life: connect the fragmented urban areas, create new attractive meeting points and overall bring nature closer to the residents. Climate Adaption Kokkedal covers an area of 60 ha in the North of Sealand. The area, which contains two large subsidised housing associations, borders Usserød river and consequently suffered a severe flooding around 2011.
▼鸟瞰 Aerial

The Kokkedal project contains an extensive catalogue of solutions for climate adaption and water methods. Whereas rainwater formerly was hidden underground in pipelines, the rainwater management is now made visible in a way, offering new recreational urban possibilities. The residents already ascertain that the project has improved the sense of security as planned. The new recreational areas are popular and have driven out the shifty activities which used to dominate the area.
▼场地上的运动场被覆草土丘包围,可以阻挡住大量的雨水 The local sports field has been walled in by a grass clad earth mound ensuring that large amounts of stormwater can be held back.

Rainwater is retained in basins and volumes which have a capacity of retaining a 5 years occurrence. Rainfalls larger than this can still be managed without any serious damage occurring. The rainwater is managed in a system on the surface, making it possible to follow its course from the smaller basins on to the soakaways and trenches, until it finally reaches the large basins and Usserød River. All the water is led through cleansing elements such as rainwater beds and basins.
▼地表上的系统引导雨水从较小的盆地流向渗水坑和沟渠The rainwater is managed in a system on the surface, making it possible to follow its course from the smaller basins on to the soakaways and trenches.

Climate Adaption Kokkedal consists of 35 individual projects, each contributing recreational activities to the residents of the area. This dual function has been central to the project. A garden space has for example been created which functions as green retainment basins and the local sports field has been walled in by a grass clad earth mound ensuring that large amounts of stormwater can be held back.
▼被赋予绿色蓄水池功能的花园空间 A garden space has been created which functions as green retainment basins.

整个项目包含花园、活动区、健身步道、自然运动场和教育性区域。艺术家Eva Koch还创造了一个形状像大碗一样的空间,夜晚可以看到这个大碗里布满了盛开的罂粟花投影图像。由于本项目为将来所有的气候适应类项目提供了设计灵感,于2017年11月荣获DANVA和Realdania颁发的气候奖。
The project consists of gardens, activity areas, exercise paths, nature playgrounds and areas which can be used for educational purposes. The artist Eva Koch has furthermore created a space shaped as a large bowl which at nighttime is filled with projected images of flowering poppies. In November 2017, the project received DANVA and Realdania’s Climate Award for creating a project which serves as an inspiration for all future climate adaption projects.
▼夜晚布满了盛开的罂粟花投影图像的“大碗” A space shaped as a large bowl which at nighttime is filled with projected images of flowering poppies.

▼平面图 Master Plan

艺术家:Eva Kock
客户:丹麦弗雷登斯堡市政府、丹麦文体设施基金会、AB Hørsholm Kokkedal、Boligforeningen 3B
承包商:Ebbe Salsgaard A/S、P. Malmos A/S、Hededanmark A/S
其他合作伙伴:2017年Danva og Realdania气候奖组委会
成本:80 mill. DKK
照片版权归属:Thøger Sørensen, Ulrik Kuggas, Carsten Ingemann, Leif Tuxen for Realdania
Landscape Architecture: Schønherr
Engineer: Rambøll
Artist: Eva Kock
Client: Fredensborg municipality, Realdania, The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities, AB Hørsholm Kokkedal, Boligforeningen 3B
Contractor: Ebbe Salsgaard A/S, P. Malmos A/S, Hededanmark A/S
Further partners: Danva og Realdania Climate Award 2017
Service: Planning, Sustainable Drainage Systems, biodiversity, infrastructure. Design and plants. public involvement and communication
Status: Completed 2012-2017
Area: 61 ha
Costs: 80 mill. DKK
Photo credits: Thøger Sørensen, Ulrik Kuggas, Carsten Ingemann, Leif Tuxen for Realdania
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