德国卢森堡公园景观改造 Parc Kaltreis / Förder Landschaftsarchitekten
Förder Landschaftsarchitekten:该公园位于Bonnevoie城市中心南部,始建于20世纪80年代,从那时起,它就是卢森堡市开放空间网络的重要组成部分。公园通过其裸露区,将北部的城市景观(居住区)和南部的文化景观(农业、森林和草地)连接起来,即使在公园的风景中,也有相关的城市元素。
Förder Landschaftsarchitekten:The park is located in the southern part of the city center Bonnevoie-South and was realized in the 1980s. Since then, it has been an important part of the open space network of the City of Luxembourg. The park links two landscape types, the urban landscape (residential district) in the north and cultural landscape (agricultural, forest and meadow areas) in the south by its exposed location. Even in the park scenic meet urban elements.

The reason for the redesign was technical and visual defects in the two artificial pond facilities. As well as the insights gained in a participation procedure, that the park complex no longer meets todays and future users requirements. The existing urban and landscape elements were strengthened by targeted interventions and redesigned. The existing vegetation edge along the boulevard Kaltreis remains intact and forms the backbone of the park. It is the opponent to the opposite undeveloped “scenic edge”, which allows a view into the cultural landscape.

The new center forms the “Urban Center”, with the Parcs Entrée as well as play, sports and recreational areas. In the east and west each adjacent to a scenic area. The three parking areas are connected by the new main path.
In the “urban center” the playground “space” themed is located, one of the most important wishes from the participating people. Even at a distance you can see “Apollo 11” the rocket slide tower. With its red and white checkered perforated sheet metal paneling and a height of 7.80 meters, it is the eye-catcher of the entire play area. The playground is supplemented by eight other game devices. These are custom-made products that have been specially designed and built for the Parc Kaltreis.

On hot summer days the space playground is competed by the water play in the piazza. Its hilly design of modeled in-situ concrete awakens upon closer inspection associations with a planetary surface. Fog nozzles, water jets and water cannons provide a lot of fun for the little park visitors. During the months when the water feature is not in use, it can be used as a skate and bike obstacle.

这两个游戏区内还有一块巨石场地、篮球场和排球场以及一个街头健身公园。 公园景观休息区,以放松和减速为重点。弯曲的小路邀您漫步其中,周围的风景也因此而变得栩栩如生。
The two play areas are complemented by a boules field, basketball and volleyball court as well as a street workout park.In the scenic areas rest, relaxation and deceleration are in focus. Curved paths make the landscape come alive and invite you to stroll.

景观设计:Förder Landschaftsarchitekten,埃森
项目地点:德国 卢森堡
图片:Johannes Zell
Landscape Architecture: Förder Landschaftsarchitekten, Essen
Location: Ville de Luxembourg, LU
Client: Ville de Luxembourg – Service des Parcs
Aera: 29.000 m²
Design Year: 2015 – 2016
Year Built: 2017
Photos: Johannes Zell
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