城市立交桥下部空间的利用,首尔“屋顶广场” / HG-Architecture
HG-Architecture:The city of Seoul is in the process of creating a public space for local community to use in the area by utilizing the lower space of the overpass, which is relatively unusable in cities with insufficient space. This project is a pilot project, and it is a project to improve the living environment and urban landscape of the region by changing the underpass, which was shadowy and desolate, a lively and vibrant environment.

The site, the lower space of Imun-overpass is a lower space of a large infrastructure where railway overpass and road overpass overlap. The city’s scale and surrounding streets were cut off by the overpass, and the destination between them was isolated and left as a static space as if time had stopped. This project aimed to become a center of local community as a community space for various cultural and sports activities by connecting the disconnected periphery by using an architectural element, ‘The Roof’, on such an unused place in the city.
▼改造后的屋顶空间将原本不相连的外围空间连接了起来 Through the architectural element- ‘The Roof’ to connects the disconnected periphery.

▼场地现已成为当地社区的中心,为人们提供了各种文化和体育活动空间 This project has become a center of local community as a community space for various cultural and sports activities.

‘Roof Square’ is a Mid-Line space made in the upper and lower parts, creating a new public space by using a roof. The upper space alternately opens in the east-west direction, which is cut off by an elevated road, and the lower space pulls the neighborhood into the site and expands the site into the neighborhood. On the top of the roof is a space for cultural events, relaxation, and a space for simple exercise. The lower part of the roof is a shelter for local people during the day and an outdoor terrace café for nearby restaurants and vendors at night, and it becomes a courtyard where locals’ daily lives change over time.
▼屋顶上设有文化活动、休闲和简易的运动空间 On the top of the roof is a space for cultural events, relaxation, and a space for simple exercise.

▼夜晚,这里变成了社区喜爱的生活剧场 At night, it becomes a theater of life in the community.

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

项目地点:韩国首尔东大门古Imun-dong 184-85
首席建筑师:Hyoung-gul Kook
设计团队:Min-ho Lee, Bo-kyung Kim
照片:© Kyungsub Shin
Project name: Roof Square
Completion Year: 2020
Design Area: 425m²
Project location: Imun-dong 184-85, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Design Firm: HG-Architecture
Website: http://hg-architecture.com/
Contact e-mail: hgkook@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Hyoung-gul Kook
Design Team: Min-ho Lee, Bo-kyung Kim
Clients: Seoul Metropolitan Government
Photo credits: © Kyungsub Shin
更多 Read more about: HG-Architecture