


The Wave is a recyclable display garden designed by Atelier Scale. It locates at the 2020 Shenzhen Flower Show Bao’an Garden, with a size of 300 m2.

我们了解到,目前各种展览在发挥其积极作用的同时,产生了极大的资源浪费,绝大部分搭建材料均是一次性使用后就被当作垃圾扔掉。因此在整个花园创作之初,我们就带着这样的反思:如何通过设计,在保证能够满足视觉冲击效果的前提之下,充分考虑展园的生命周期(life cycle),传递可持续办展的理念。基于这样的理念,我们设计了一套可拆卸并可循环使用的预制单元模块系统。海浪形单元模块的灵感来源于被定位为全球海洋中心城市之一的深圳,我们通过不同角度的模块组合,创造出起伏的地形,从而生动地模拟了海浪翻涌时的优美姿态。在花展结束后,花园90%的材料皆可用于异地重建。

Within a visual-dominant flower show context, we realize there is a huge waste for every garden/flower show where most of the materials are turned into trash after the show is finished. Therefore, we think reflectively: using design to reconsider the life cycle of a temporary garden and promote sense of sustainability of a flower show. We come up with a prefabricated module system, with which we are able to rebuild the garden in another site with 90% of the material, after the flower show is over. The module is inspired by the texture of ocean, where the city of Shenzhen is located. Through tilting and moving of modules, a field of wave is created to simulate the ocean.

▼顶视图,top view ©南西摄影



We believe the protagonist of the garden should be the plants, and the goal of design is to create a stage on which the protagonist shines. The “wave” becomes this stage, where plants “surf”.

▼项目概览,overall view of the project ©南西摄影


花园外 – 海岸:冷色主打,暖色点缀,色彩缤纷的花境塑造了优美的滨海景色,各色绽放的时令花卉配以簕杜鹃,赋予花园海岸浪漫的气息;极具热带特色的宽叶天堂鸟,形成了郁郁葱葱的绿色背景,完美契合椰林风光,更为花园带来了一抹神秘感。

Bougainvillea and perennial flowers with different colors create an atmosphere of tropical coast at the gateway of the garden. Bird of paradise (Strelizia reginae) is used as buffer, as if the “coconut trees” by the coast.

▼花园外缤纷的花镜,various flowers outside the garden ©南西摄影


花园内 – 海浪与海底:种植于波浪起伏的种植盒内的低矮花卉,由白色、浅蓝色逐渐过渡到深蓝色,宛如不断翻涌的海浪。枝丫状、直立状,结有浆果且颜色多彩的多肉植物,搭配彩色叶草本,仿佛缤纷多彩的海底珊瑚礁群落。

Inside the garden, a gradient selection of flora from white, light blue to dark blue spread with the planters, represent the ocean wave. Colorful succulent plants with various shapes, together with colored herbs, represent the coral reef under the sea.

▼花园内部,view inside the garden ©南西摄影


▼低矮花卉种植在起伏的种植盒内,florescent shrub planted in corrugated planters ©南西摄影


▼种植盒细部,closer view to the planters ©南西摄影



Besides the field of wave, the fish net trellis and wave pavilion trigger richer experience for visitors, through different forms of interaction. The fish nets hung under the trellis are so soft that light breeze easily make them swim like jellyfish. Visitors could “kiss” the nets in certain elevation as they move with the landforms. The wave pavilion rolls up with the “wave”, with plants on the roof, and mirror-finish panel under the ceiling. The mirror magically reflects different environment based on visitors’ location and viewing angle.

▼游客与渔网帷幔互动,interaction between the visitors and the fish net trellis ©南西摄影


▼逐浪廊架,wave pavilion ©南西摄影


▼镜面反射四周景色,mirrored surface reflecting the surrounding scenery ©南西摄影


▼廊架细部,details of the wave pavilion ©南西摄影



The given construction period is extremely short (one month), with which the module system (composed of total 335 aluminium planters) work perfectly. We have optimized the installation details of the two trellis, which are assembled without welding. With these helps we have been able to complete the construction/installation in advance, when others are still working hard in completing. The extra time has been used for plant maintenance to better prepare for the opening. However the construction process has not been easy. There are learn curves within each step of construction.

▼模块化施工过程,process of modular construction ©大小景观


“The Wave” has been accepting visitors and will stay open until January 1, 2021. We look forward to seeing you in Lianhuashan Park, Shenzhen! After the exhibition, the Wave will be dissembled and re-installed in one of the park of Bao’an DIstrict in Shenzhen.

▼夜景,night view ©南西摄影




▼植物搭配,plants used in the project ©大小景观

▼平面图,plan ©大小景观


▼剖面图,sections ©大小景观


