YKK中央公园 / A.P.L. design workshop
A.P.L.:The YKK group, which manufactures and sells slide fasteners and architectural components, decided to open up the area where their headquarters at the YKK 50 Building and the Kurobe campus main gate are located to residents and visitors. We were commissioned to create a master plan for this area. Our proposal was to push the main gate back deep into the campus and breathe new life into this tract of land, which used to be filled with factory sheds, by creating a forest consisting of the local vegetation, thereby using this area to represent the company’s philosophy.

作为黑部川冲积扇的一部分,此处的地下水位较高,如果不采取任何措施,这片土地上只有低矮的苗木能够存活。因此,我们与studio on-site景观公司合作,致力于改善当地的林木多样性,与此同时,将旧的厂房作为园区的新节点加以改造,作为企业展览馆(丸屋根展示場),以幼叶与深海生物为主题设计街灯与导视牌,作为控制绿色空间的小节点。
We collaborated with studio on-site, a landscape firm, to foster a forest from baby trees on the alluvial fan shaped by the Kurobe River, where the high underground water level could reduce vegetation variety without any improvement measures. At the same time, we redesigned an old factory shed into a company museum as a new architectural focus in this park, and used seed leaf and deep-sea creature inspired motifs for the exterior lighting design. Together with the signage, these small clues help articulate the vast, green land.
▼在黑部川冲积扇上种植幼树培育森林,为场地注入新的生机 Foster a forest from baby trees on the alluvial fan shaped by the Kurobe River

▼以幼叶与深海生物为主题的街灯和导视牌 We use seed leaf and deep-sea creature inspired motifs for the exterior lighting design

In order to improve drainage and handle plant roots separated from their underground water source, earthworks such as ridges and mounds were proposed by the landscape designer. By manipulating the land, we were able to achieve a wide range of water retention and permeability in the soil. This, in turn, enabled a greater selection of vegetation, from waterside plants to laurels.
▼改善排水,将植物根系与地下水源分离 Improve drainage and handle plant roots separated from their underground water source

▼设计师采用了诸如山脊和土墩之类的土方造型工程 The landscape designer proposed earthworks such as ridges and mounds

We also proposed to insert several rectangular lawn gardens in the forest called “rooms,” which were tied to major architectural facilities in order to endow these buildings with a solid existence in the park.

▼公园冬景 Winter view of the park

总体规划:A.P.L. design workshop, 大野秀敏, 江口英樹, 高野菜美,
建筑、灯具、标识:A.P.L. design workshop
景观设计:studio on site
承包商:NIPPO, Daiichi Kensetsu(建筑),黑部 M-tech(机械和电气),黑部CLEAN株式会社(园艺)
场地面积:约8, 000 平方米
照片:吉田诚 / 吉田写真事务所
Project: YKK Center Park
Location: Kurobe, Toyama Prefecture, Japan
Completion date: June, 2015
Client: YKK Corporation
Master Plan: A.P.L. design workshop. OHNO Hidetoshi, EGUCHI Hideki, TAKANO Nami,
Architecture, Lighting Fixture, Signage: A.P.L. design workshop.
Landscape Design: studio on site
Contracotrs: NIPPO, Daiichi Kensetsu(Architecture), Kurobe M-tech(Mechanical and Electrical), Kurobe Clean and Green(Gardening)
Site area:ca. 8, 000 ㎡
Photo: YOSHIDA Makoto/ Yoshida photo studio
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