Walllasia办公庭院设计 / Walllasia
Walllasia:This is an example of architecture that perfectly blends urban utility with a touch of nature. Rectangular and 40 metres by four, these back-to-back townhouses have a courtyard at the centre, in the residential heart. And at the centre of the courtyard is a small fishpond – aesthetically appealing but also functional in storing water run-off from the roofs. The courtyard is a veritable an oasis with tropical plants and mossy stones.

Despite the intended minimalism, there are delightful surprises in the way the scene changes at different times of the day. Space limitations would seem to leave the building, as seen from the outside, short of natural light and ventilation. Inside, however, the black-and-grey interior always has ample light from the central courtyard and from the back of the building.

The staff of Walllasia will be walking through the courtyard several times a day, from their offices to the meeting room, and it’s always an enjoyable experience. They’ll cross an expanded metal floor, past the moss-covered pond and the walls adorned with coat buttons. A harmony of strength and gentleness, it’s a passage that links the earth to the universe.

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

▼各层平面图 Floor Plan

项目地点:泰国曼谷省泗利泰路Soi 33号
建筑事务所:Walllasia Ltd.
首席建筑师:Suriya Umpansiriratana, Walllasia Ltd.
图片:Spaceshift Studio/ Pirak Anurakyawachon, Chatchai Charoenput
Project name: Walllasia Office
Completion Year: 2012
Design Area: 300 msq
Project location: Soi 33, Seri Thai Road, Bangkok Province, Thailand
Architecture Firm: Walllasia Ltd.
Website: https://www.walllasia.com/
Contact e-mail: walllasia@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Suriya Umpansiriratana, Walllasia Ltd.
Photo credits: Spaceshift Studio/ Pirak Anurakyawachon, Chatchai Charoenput
更多 Read more about: Walllasia