莫斯科朱可夫斯基,河堤改造 / Basis architectural bureau
Basis architectural bureau:该项目中根据复杂地形在河岸上创建的多长廊,向人们展示出了一个如何将场地的明显缺点转化为优点的范例。
Basis architectural bureau:Creating an all-inclusive promenade on the bank of a river with a complex relief is an example of how you can turn the apparent disadvantages of a place into its advantages.

Objective: To create a public space on the swampy riverbank for residents of all ages.
Solution: The narrow path on the steep bank of the Bykovka river turned into an all-inclusive promenade with balconies on stilts and various functional zones.

The new embankment is divided into 2 main zones: ‘quiet’ and ‘active’. The ‘active’ area includes a dog walking area, projecting balconies suitable for fishing, a playground for different ages and a central area for events. The ‘quiet’ zone is a long promenade on winding bridges among trees with scenic balconies on stilts and secluded places for rest.

A feature of the project was the installation of balconies and walkways on stilts where the relief was complex. Thanks to this we managed to significantly increase the usable area of the embankment and plan recreation areas with the best view of the river. With the help of winding wooden paths we increased the length of the walking route and made it convenient for bicycles and prams. The main hiking route goes off from the scenic balconies, so nothing prevents visitors from enjoying the privacy of nature.

Minimalist modern street furniture made of steel and treated pine is used in the project and emphasizes the natural colour of the wood. Thanks to its modest colour scheme and basic design, it blends in delicately with the natural environment. This naturalness is especially distinct in the fencing around the decks which have a slight ‘irregularity’ of the rods.

▼项目平面图 Master Plan

▼项目分析图 Analysis
项目团队:Охапкин Иван, Ксения Щербина, Алена Захарова, Светлана Подоплелова
Location: Moscow Region, Schukovsky
Area: 5.7 hectares
Project team: Охапкин Иван, Ксения Щербина, Алена Захарова, Светлана Подоплелова
更多 Read more about: Basis architectural bureau