台中绿色走廊,城市线性公园 / Mecanoo
Mecanoo: 该全长1.7公里的台中市区铁路不仅是台中旧城发展的重要催化剂,在它所处的城市领域的复兴中,其历史价值更是扮演着举足轻重的角色。
Mecanoo: The 1.7km long former railway line crossing downtown Taichung was an important catalyst for the development of the old city. The railway’s historical value plays an important role in the revitalisation of the urban realm on which it sits.

可持续的生活,可持续发展的历史及文化 Sustainable life, sustainable history & culture
该设计依托Mecanoo 30年的城市规划经验,将打造一条以人为本、与其绿河滨水区相辅相成的绿色走廊。
Although in the past, the rail line was a mean of connection, the disused railway acts more as a divider due to its challenging location on the dyke, which impedes the circulation from one side of the tracks to the other.
The current proposal will reuse the rail line to connect the different parts of the city in a sustainable way by creating a green corridor for biodiversity and including bike/pedestrian lanes to better cater for the needs of the community.
Within this linear site, the sustainable development covered a wide range of planning and design factors including urban regeneration, public participation, historic preservation, green and water resources, and circulation routes for pedestrians and bikes.
Relying on Mecanoo’s 30-years urban planning experience, the design will shape a people-oriented green corridor, complementing the Green River’s waterfront.

设计灵感 Inspiration
To maintain the area’s strong historical character, and set a coherent, recognisable theme for the project, the new circulation system layout relies on the junction railway track pattern.
Based on the visual language of the railway infrastructure, the routes branch out to integrate the existent and future planned functions.

▼旧铁路基础设施与斜坡堤岸:保留现有的斜坡,并在堤坝上建造公共通道 Former rail infrastructure on a dike with slopes on both sides: keep the existing slopes and create public routing up and down the dike.

▼旧铁路基础设施与墙堤:保留现有的墙壁,并在上下层创造公共空间 Former rail infrastructure on a dike with walls: keep the existing walls and create public spaces in the upper and lower level.

▼其他基础设施之间的连接:激活与水面的连接 Connection to other infrastructure: activate the connection to the water level.

▼旧铁路基础设施与桥梁:保留现有桥梁,建立新的关系和公共联系 Former rail infrastructure bridges: keep existing bridges and create new relations and public connections.

城市中心的线性公园 A linear park in the city centre
We define the green corridor as a continuous public park in the centre of the city, which will:
• support the conservation and development of the area’s flora and fauna.
• Improve connections for pedestrians and bike users in Taichung centre
• Integrate existing and newly added functions to the area into a coherent linear park.

全民公共空间 A destination for all
The green corridor will become a destination and invite users to explore and enjoy the green qualities of the park. Based on different properties of the dyke, programmes such as herb garden, street fitness, tribune, playground, viewpoint and waterpark create an ideal place for leisure and recreation activities. All the proposed programmes are designed to intensify the use of the area for the local and wider Taichung community while promoting a more coherent city infrastructure.

设计团队:Mecanoo和当地景观公司S.D Atelier, ARIA architect & planners
施工:2018 – 2019年
Programme: Vision for the redevelopment of the 1.7km existing dyke, former railway track, into a linear park with herb garden, street fitness, tribune, playground, viewpoint and waterpark.
Design team: Mecanoo and local landscape firm S.D Atelier, ARIA architect & planners.
Design: 2017
Construction: 2018-2019
Client: Taichung City Government, Taichung, Taiwan.
Coordinates: 24.135644, 120.682360
Address: Jianguo Road, Central District, Taichung City, Taiwan
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