全球最大木制球体休闲栈道 / HESS TIMBER GmbH + inMotion PARK Seenland GmbH + Almholz VertriebsgmbH
HESS TIMBER:2019年,由德國inMotion Park Seenland公司設計的,多方面超一流的世界最大可行走木製球體(一次可容納950名遊客)工程傑作,於德國斯坦伯格市正式開幕。
HESS TIMBER:In 2019, a masterpiece of engineering opened its doors in Steinberg am See, Germany. The worldwide largest walkable wooden sphere (capacity for 950 visitors at a time) by inMotion Park Seenland GmbH is superlative in many ways.

▼項目視頻 Video © inMotion PARK Seenland GmbH
它重達500多噸,高40米,直徑近50米,體型巨大,人們遠遠地就能看到它矗立在森林中的風姿。 627米膠合層壓木材,190噸鋼部件,40000個螺絲釘,18000個螺栓/建築螺釘/銷釘,3300米金屬包層板和2200米欄杆——這些都只是這個龐大項目的幾個關鍵特徵。這20個外部結構膠合木構件由一個大約15米,總長度約55米的拱形連接。基於這些特殊構件,我們與合作夥伴及客戶Almholz一起完成了整個項目的運輸和組裝,並由Kleinheubach的工廠為膠合層壓木材元件提供預製接頭配件,運輸到施工現場後,再進行各個構件的連接和安裝。每個構件重約17噸。
With a weight of over 500 tons, a height of 40 metres and a diameter of almost 50 metres, this project can already be seen from afar. 627 m³ of glued laminated timber, 190 tons of steel parts, 40,000 screws, 18,000 bolts/building screws/dowels, 3,300 m² cladding panels and 2,200 meters of railing – these are just a few of the key features of this enormous project. The twenty external structural glulam elements have an arch engraving of around 15 metres and a total length of 55 metres. Due to these dimensions, a holistic logistics and assembly concept was developed early on together with our partner and client Almholz. This made it possible to provide the glued laminated timber elements at the factory in Kleinheubach with two joints and to prefabricate them completely. After delivery to the construction site, the individual elements have been subsequently joined and erected. Each with a weight of around 17 tonnes.

基於里面各種複雜的支撐結構、建築本身以及結構木材後期的維護,這個獨特的項目實則標誌著HESS TIMBER項目歷史上的又一個里程碑和新發明。而其中膠合層壓木材元件的複雜預製以及隨後的預裝配和安裝一直是所有相關人員面臨的最大挑戰之一。
Given the complexity of the supporting structure, the architecture itself and the requirements of structural wood protection, this unique project marks another milestone and a novelty in the project history of HESS TIMBER. The complex prefabrication as well as the subsequent preassembly and erection of the glued laminated timber elements has been one of the biggest challenges for all involved.

▼施工過程 Construction

項目名稱:Steinberg am See木製球體
項目地點:75P3+JX Steinberg am See
建築公司(木材工程公司):HESS Timber GmbH
客戶:inMotion PARK Seenland GmbH (https://dieholzkugel.de/)
設計團隊:HESS TIMBER GmbH、Almholz VertriebsgmbH
工程:HESS TIMBER GmbH, LUGGIN – Ziviltechnikergesellschaft m.b.H.
諮詢公司:Preihsl + Schwan Beraten und Planen GmbH
圖片:samucorvin.com / Corvin Oelschlaeger, Schicker -allmedia.de / Klaus Schicker
Project name: Wooden Sphere Steinberg am See
Completion Year: 2019
Project location: 75P3+JX Steinberg am See
Architecture Firm (Timber Engineering company): HESS TIMBER GmbH
Website: www.hess-timber.com
Contact e-mail: info@hess-timber.com
Clients: inMotion PARK Seenland GmbH (https://dieholzkugel.de/)
Design Team: HESS TIMBER GmbH, Almholz VertriebsgmbH
Engineering: HESS TIMBER GmbH, LUGGIN – Ziviltechnikergesellschaft m.b.H.
Consultants: Preihsl + Schwan Beraten und Planen GmbH
Photo credits: samucorvin.com / Corvin Oelschlaeger, schicker-allmedia.de / Klaus Schicker
更多 Read more about: HESS TIMBER GmbH