广东省普宁市星河明珠湾环湖路沿湖景观设计 / 希尔景观
希尔景观: 项目位于广东省普宁市寒妈水库,隶属整个寒妈湖片区整体规划一部分,场地具有大多数公园所不具备的优质生态资源及水资源,优质植被资源、水资源、滨水带具备良好的观湖视线,设计在此基础上思考如何保护生态环境,并满足社区及城市需求,在未来的建成环境和自然环境之间建立生态协调的关系。
Hill landscape: The project is located in Hanma Reservoir in Puning City, Guangdong Province, belonging to Hanma Lake Planning. The site has high-quality ecological, water, and vegetation resources. Waterfronts have good views of the lake. The design considers how to protect the ecological environment, meet the needs of the community and the city, and establish an ecologically coordinated relationship between the future built environment and the natural environment.
现状与策略 Current Status and strategy
The residential area around the project is aged and monotonous. Also, the form of the revetment is tedious. The aged landscape facilities are not able to meet the needs of the surrounding communities and contain a less public value. Through site analysis, the design team makes corresponding design strategies and applies them to the design. The project is positioned as “leisure tourism, public leisure parks that serve the city and the main body of the community”, and aims to release the largest public benefits of the site.
▼项目总平面 Master Plan
定位:打造多元化城市休闲旅游公园 Position: Build a multi-dimensional entertainment tourism city park
设计以项目优越的湖区为资源,致力打造多元化城市休闲活动公园,完善公园结构与功能, 加强公园整体联系,使横向与纵向联系紧密过渡自然,使其可以承载更多的人流量,为民众提供更多开放空间,满足于附近居住区、市区以及外地游客的各种需求,以及为城市发展做出贡献。
The design takes advantage of the superior lake area and strives to create a diverse urban leisure activity park. The park improves the structure and function of the park, strengthen the overall connection of the context, and make closely transition to nature to carry more people. It provides people with more open spaces, meets the various needs of nearby residential areas, urban areas and foreign tourists, and contributes to urban development.
▼总体鸟瞰 Aerial View
详细设计:Design Detail
1、售楼处滨水带 Sales office Waterfront Landscape
The design uses vertical greening to deal with reservoir dams and uses three-dimensional planting to soften the stiffness of the hard revetment. The sales office waterfront is covered with dense planting. A lake-viewing path is added to solve the narrow road and the crowded people and create a broader view of the lake.
▼售楼处滨水带分析图 Sales office Waterfront Analysis
2、剧场区域 Theater area
This space mainly uses a gentle lawn as the main spatial tune to meet daily sports and leisure activities. A public service building is set at the entrance with a sparse resting gallery among them. The large lawn provides a gathering place for the city and offers the possibility to create local public festivals, stages, theaters, etc.
▼剧场区设计 Amphitheater Design
▼剧场服务中心(自然元素花瓣形构架) Theater Service Center (natural elements and petal structure)
▼流线型林下休闲空间 Curvy leisure space in the woods
▼周末剧场使用效果 Weekend Theater effect
3、中间滨水带 Middle Water Front Landscape
The simple arc is used to express the modern sense of design. Fashion, art, culture, and experience are the main design concepts. The curve language is used to design the area to find the best viewing point. The line-of-sight relationship between the banks provides an exploration of the environment and more water-interaction spaces. Various types of landscape viewing corridors and lake viewing leisure spaces are designed along the path to connect the major functional activities around the lake such as the refreshing space formed by forest and grassland, as well as the viewing line circulated the lake. This area focuses on the library and creates a comfortable and relaxing public reading place.
▼滨水带鸟瞰 Waterfront Aerial view
▼滨水带区域 Water Front Landscape
Curved looking over platform provides a great viewing point
候鸟栖息广场, 为水生动植物提供的栖息地。提供探索环境与更多的亲水空间,沿途设计各类景观视廊及观湖休闲空间,串联环湖片区各大功能活动点。
Birds Plaza provides habitats for aquatic species. Provide exploration environment and more water-interaction spaces, design various landscape viewing corridors and lake viewing leisure spaces along the path, and connect the major functional activities around the lake area.
The library design uses a beautiful arc combined with Metasequoia Forest to create a comfortable and relaxing public reading place.
▼图书馆鸟瞰 Library Aerial view
▼图书馆设计 Library Design
4、儿童活动区 Children’s Playground
The service building that is hidden in the green terrace, entrance leisure area and the children’s playground meet different functional needs. Based on the spatial sight, structural research and functional requirements of the site, the landmarks in the park have become the recognition of the park for the city, the spatial recognition for people, and the climax and excitement of the soothing design. With “Fantasy Forest” as the theme, the park uses the forest animals and people as the story frame to let the children start a fantasy exploration adventure.
▼儿童区鸟瞰 Children’s Playground Aerial View
With “Fantasy Forest” as the theme, the park uses the forest animals and people as the story frame to let the children start a fantasy exploration adventure.
▼儿童区设计 Children’s Playground Design
Through the ecological design and retaining the ecological resources, the vitality of the site and the exploration and recognition of children are stimulated.
5、特色景观桥 Characteristic Landscape Bridge
The landscape bridge is not only a slow path for walking, running, and cycling, but also for passing and commuting. It will also become a distinctive symbol of Pearl Bay. The two-way traffic shunts pedestrian and vehicles, while solving the problem of traffic, adds an observation platform to provide people with great leisure viewing.
▼景观桥设计 Bridge Design
Project Name: Conceptual Design of Waterfront Landscape in the Pearl Bay (Phase 1, 2 and 3)
Client name: Galaxy Real Estate
Landscape Design: Hill Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
Project address: Puning City, Guangdong Province
Project Type: Urban-level comprehensive park (waterfront, residential, commercial, school)
Project area: 89600㎡
Design time: November 2019
更多read more about: Hill 希尔景观